martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

All for Charity

The past week has been really busy! My brother, my Mum, our friend Alison and I are setting up a charity called Glasgow Dialysis Patient Support Fund. As most of my friends will know, my brother, Blair, was diagnosed with kidney failure when he was 21. He used to get dialysis at Stobhill hospital in Glasgow but now he has his own snazzy dialysis room in his flat so my mum and I help him do his dialysis. He added up the amount that the NHS had spent on him, with his dialysis and all his medicines and it added up to more than £70,000!!! And thats per year! So the NHS isn't that bad! Blair was keen to give back to the hospital so we all set about starting the charity. Anyway, this weekend was our first fundraiser and it couldn't have gone better. All our hard work and planning came together in the end and thanks to everyone who came and everyone who donated the amazing raffle and auction prizes we raised an amazing £5638!!!! There were a few tears on the night as we didn't expect to raise so much and we were all so shocked! 

Now where the cupcakes come in....... we put together 100 goodie bags for our guests which included various promotional items from businesses and leaflets about organ donation and a cupcake! As I have been very busy studying and working my Mum helped bake the cakes and I iced them all on Saturday morning. We got these great little pods to keep them all in and they looked really good. 

Here are some more photos from the night.........

All the goodie bags ready!

One of our amazing auction prizes!

Me with all the raffle prizes!

Uncle Lex presenting the laptop to Dailene from Stobhill Hospital donated by his company Techxel !

Big Paul the magician entertaining some guests with his amazing tricks!

The room all set up

All of the prizes

Blair with his friends, Rob and Jonathan.

If you would like to read more about our charity please click on the link below ;

And another thing, I had my very last class at Uni last week! Our lecturer, Carmen, made some yummy tapas for us all and all the other students brought in food and wine so we could have a party. Here are the cupcakes that I brought in,

I still have my exams to do, and my first one is tomorrow so I better get back to my studying!

Lynsey xxx