miércoles, 22 de junio de 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Apologies for my lack of blogging. Since I wrote my first blog I have moved back home from Spain (tear) and I have been so busy! Firstly obviously unpacking, secondly I have bought a flat, I have also gone back to work part time, I help with my brothers dialysis and finally I have been putting every minute of the (little) spare time I have into coming up with new ideas for my cupcakes and getting my business of the ground.

I couldn't wait to get back from Spain and back into the kitchen to make more cupcakes. The first cupcakes I made were for my Mum's office. A very last minute order but as always I got them done on time.

They were quite simple but I think they turned out well :)

The next cupcakes I made were to hand round to shops in the local area as a sample so they could recommend me to their customers and display my business cards in their shops. 

I was so pleased the way these turned out. I had never tried the rose swirl before and I made the little roses and butterflies myself. The roses were a bit of a nightmare at the beginning but once I got into the swing of it they became much easier. The next photo is of the same cake but in a cute little cupcake holder I bought from Amazon and it was a bargain at £4!
I got really good feedback from all of these cakes so hopefully I will get a few orders out of it!

Next, it was Fathers Day. I'm in the bad books with my Dad for not making him any cupcakes but he was away in Portugal so I have made some for him tonight. My best friend Hollie text me the day before Fathers Day so I came to her rescue and made her these cupcakes. 
I have decided to call these Retro Cupcakes. I love the giant jazzie on top and added a little popping candy as a wee bit extra. I'm always worried that the cupcakes I made are very girly but I think these ones are perfect for Dads or even a wee boys birthday party. 

The next cupcakes I made were possibly my favourite yet. They were for a Strawberry Tea and I loved making the cute little strawberries for the toppers. 
When I delivered them and set them up on the stand people were taking photos of them which is always a good sign! 

And finally............ I have an order from a friend for some formula one cupcakes. At first I was thinking of making chequered flags but then I decided I would have a go at making some cars from fondant. They turned out much better than I thought although it did take me a whole hour to make just 3 cars but the end result was well worth it.

I can't wait to get these onto the cupcakes on Saturday! 

I think that is enough for tonight, I hope you have enjoyed reading about and looking at all my new creations. 

Lynsey x

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